
For the past three weeks I have gone a bit off course as to what this blog was supposed to be about – unique date and gift ideas. I have managed to keep on theme when it comes to ideas that can help strengthen your relationship. So I am going to get back on course this week and share an idea that can be used as a date or even something that you can do on your own. I hope you will all find this to be a welcome relief from the serious nature of the previous posts.

Because of the response that I have gotten for my previous posts, I’ve decided to start posting twice a week, beginning next week. One post will be along the topics of the previous three (relationship advice), and the other will be date and gift ideas.

The title for this post is all about how you can take time to make a complete stranger’s day, create a tradition that is unique to you and your partner and bring the two of you closer in a way that you may have yet to experience.

In my book, I write about what to do after a first date and the best way to go about it. To summarize briefly, sending a woman a gift after a first date is a great way to stand out in her mind. I talk about the impact that it could have to brighten her day. I explain that by doing that, you never know when that particular day was a difficult one. When she comes home to find a bouquet of flowers on her front porch, instead of calling her best friend to complain about the day’s events, she will tell her best friend, briefly about the crappy day she’s had, but focus more on the gesture you bestowed upon her.

With that one random act of kindness, you are setting yourself up to be someone in whom she can trust. She will subconsciously associate the stress of the day with the relief she felt at your gesture. She will see you as a person that can help her feel better when things are bad.

A “just because” gift, at any stage of the relationship, is something that couples should do for each other to show how much they love and appreciate them. You can take this same principle and apply it to a date and share this random act of kindness to complete strangers.

As you are heading home from work, stop at a floral shop and pick up two dozen flowers. It doesn’t matter if they are roses, carnations, lilies or any other flower. This idea does work best with flowers that are single stemmed, but you want to have several of them. The next step can be planned in advance or be completely spontaneous. Your choice.

You’re going to take those single stemmed flowers and show them to your partner. Before she starts gushing over them, make sure to tell her that they are not for her. At least, not for her to place into a vase and admire. Explain to her that the two of you are going out on a date, taking the flowers with you. You can go to a park, downtown, a train station…anywhere where there will be people passing by. You can set up a post and stay put, or you can randomly walk around. As you pass these strangers surrounding you, keep an eye open for people who might look stressed. Look for people who are off in la-la land. Anyone will do. Then just give them the flower. You and your partner take turns handing flowers to strangers. Explain to these strangers that you are not wanting any compensation for the gift; that you are spending time with your partner and just wanted the opportunity to brighten a complete stranger’s day.

People will shy away from you. People will ignore you completely and act like they can’t hear you. Someone might even break down into tears and throw their arms around you in hysterics. Take this all in stride, as it matters not. The goal is spend time together, with your mate, and do something for someone else.

If you want to add a touch of romance specifically aimed at your partner, plan ahead and have a flower or bouquet waiting for her at the restaurant you will visit after you hand out flowers. It requires a bit of planning and there are several ways in which it can be pulled off. Be creative and have fun.

See you next week…..

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